Sunday, 1 February 2009

Chiaroscuro...A Tale Of Two Ears.....Part Two.

Chiaroscuro's ears are mending really well, as you can see in this photograph taken on the 3rd of January.

Mistletoe was pregnant.

This may have been why she attacked him.....his babies were born on the 5th of January, a week and a day after she attacked him.

The babies are gorgeous.
One grey, one sapphire and five pearls. One very dark and one very pale.

Sleeping peacefully.
Mistletoe is a brilliant mum, although she wasn't so kind to Chiri, she has raised the most wonderful seven babies.

All grown up....the magnificent seven are so beautiful.

It's hard sometimes to spot the babies from the bedding, thy're so pale.
They are still only 4 weeks old today.... they're huge for their age.

Chiaroscuro was given a clean bill of health by my amazing vet. His ear is still mending but still really tender. He may well have nerve damage.

Poor Chiri has had a horrible experience but has got through it mostly intact. I have lost hamsters from biting wounds. This is why I won't sell two hamsters together when all someone wants is a pet.
Do you believe it would be worth risking any of this?

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