Friday, 23 January 2009

Screamers and "Swearers"..Are they Monsters? ..NO.. Not at all!

Look at this little man, he is gorgeous, but he's a Screamer or "Swearer" (as I call them).
His language would make EMINEM blush.... :)

He is beautiful and calm and sweet and would make anyone a fantastic and loving pet.

Winter White Dwarf hamsters can sometimes be very vocal. I have talked about it on my website so I thought it might help people to show what "screaming" or " swearing" looks like.

This is the same little boy with his litter mates, he was quite wary of me looking them but he wasn't worried when I started photographing them.

Then, when I moved some bedding to take better photos he started to Scream or "Swear", you can see his open mouth showing his teeth and see how he raises his hands....

...this time, bearing his teeth again, he is giving his father Hiro a real ear-bending.......

..."Dad I don't like her taking photos of us".
When they scream they raise their front legs and often go up onto their back legs or sometimes they go right over and lie on their backs.

"I hate it"............a typical Swearer, mouth wide open looking very aggressive...but not really and not going to harm anyone. They are as sweet and as kind as the other Winters...but they are just more vocal more and opinionated.............

..."oh no its her again, stop photographing me"...

....."I mean it...leave me alone".....

Just after taking the photos of him swearing I put down the camera, picked him up ant took this photo and the one at the top of this posting. He didn't make a sound when I picked him up and, as you can see, he is a lovely, calm sweet little boy.
I hope to keep this wonderful boy to breed from...his personality is delightful ..his language...well maybe it isn't so sweet.....I love him anyway this space!

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